The Leader's Guide to Employee Engagement

Tired of employees who are just going through the motions? We've all been there. In this episode, we'll share practical techniques to create a workplace where your team feels truly valued and motivated. 

Learn how to recognize the signs of disengagement, foster genuine care and communication, and ignite passion within your team. Discover the power of believing in your employees' potential, and how engagement can lead to improved business results and increased retention. We'll also share how empowering your team to solve problems can be a game-changer for engagement.


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Expand Your Leadership Skills.

Employee Engagement Strategies: Beyond Axes and Pizza Parties

Many leaders believe their teams are enthusiastic and committed, but they don’t realize the actual culture that’s going on in their workplace. 

In the recent episode of The Leadership Hustle podcast, we explored the disconnect between leaders' perceptions and the actual experiences of their employees.

We discussed how fostering genuine engagement goes far beyond offering superficial perks and requires a deeper understanding of what truly motivates and inspires individuals.

Building a Culture of Value, Voice, and Care

The foundation of employee engagement rests on three pillars: value, voice, and care. When employees feel valued for their contributions, have a voice in decision-making, and a sense that their leaders genuinely care about their well-being, they are far more likely to be engaged in their work.

These elements create a sense of belonging and purpose, fostering a connection between individuals and the organization's mission.

Conversely, disengagement can breed apathy, resentment, and decreased productivity, ultimately hindering the company's success.

Authentic Engagement Strategies

While team-building activities, casual Fridays, and office snacks can be enjoyable, they rarely address the root causes of disengagement.

To cultivate genuine engagement, leaders must go beyond surface-level perks and implement strategies that resonate on a deeper level.

Here are some actionable steps to foster authentic engagement:

Empower Employees to Solve Problems

Instead of always providing solutions, encourage your team members to take ownership of challenges and contribute their own ideas. This not only fosters a sense of autonomy but also taps into their unique perspectives and problem-solving skills.

Delegate Strategically

Delegating tasks and responsibilities demonstrates trust in your employees' abilities and provides them with opportunities to learn and grow. It also frees up your time to focus on higher-level strategic initiatives.

Believe in Your People

Express confidence in your team's potential and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed. Celebrate their achievements and offer constructive feedback to help them reach their full potential.

Identify and Leverage Strengths

Recognize that each employee brings unique skills and talents to the table. By identifying and leveraging their strengths, you create a sense of purpose and fulfillment that fuels engagement.

Remove Friction Points

Streamline processes, eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, and provide the tools and technology your employees need to do their jobs effectively. This reduces frustration and allows them to focus on meaningful work.

The Leader's Role in Cultivating Engagement

Leaders play a crucial role in shaping the culture of an organization and work engagement. To foster it, they must model the behaviors they want to see in their teams.

This includes demonstrating passion for the company's mission, actively listening to employee feedback, and showing genuine care for their well-being.

Self-awareness is also essential. Leaders need to understand how their actions and communication styles impact their teams.

By seeking feedback and reflecting on their own behaviors, they can identify areas for improvement and become more effective in fostering engagement.

One on One

Creating opportunities for meaningful connection and communication is key. Regular one-on-one meetings, team-building activities, and open forums for discussion can all contribute to a more engaged and connected workforce.

These meetings provide a dedicated space for open communication, feedback, and support, which are essential for building trust and rapport.

Additionally, open forums for discussion, such as town hall meetings or online platforms, can provide a safe space for employees to voice their opinions, share ideas, and contribute to the organization's decision-making process.

Building A Better Culture and Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is not a one-time event; it's an ongoing process that requires commitment and intentionality from leaders at all levels.

Remember, engaged employees are not just more productive; they're also more innovative, adaptable, and committed to the organization's success. By investing in your employees' engagement, you're investing in the future of your company.

To gain further insights and actionable strategies for fostering employee engagement, listen to the full episode of The Leadership Hustle. And if you're ready to create a thriving and engaged workforce, explore Revela Group's resources and services. We're here to partner with you on your journey to building a culture where employees feel valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their best.

If you're ready to take your team to the next level, consider exploring Revela Group's leadership development resources and coaching services.

We're here to help you build a leadership team that not only works together but thrives together.

About the Hosts

Andrea Fredrickson

Andrea Fredrickson is a thought leader and consultant at Revela, an organization based in Omaha, Nebraska specializing in the development of leaders, culture alignment, and business strategy for private and family businesses of all sizes. Revela is one of the region's most experienced thought challengers, helping individuals and companies find their greatness. Andrea has built an amazing team by believing that fundamentally people want to be successful and become better versions of themselves.  

  • Andrea has degrees in education, management, and business. She is the author of Insight Unseen; How to lead with 20/20 business vision. She helps people see things differently, self-reflect, and never stop looking for ways to improve themselves on a personal and professional level. Andrea has spent more than 30 years researching and developing methods to help people communicate and lead more effectively.  

    When Andrea isn’t working with clients, you’ll find her spending time with her family & friends and making memories by exploring new cities.   


Michelle Hill

Michelle Hill is a master facilitator and coach at Revela, an organization specializing in the development of leaders and aligning the culture of privately held and family businesses of all sizes. Revela is one of the region's most experienced thought challengers, helping individuals and companies find their greatness. 

  • An ambitious leader, Michelle has the natural ability to create forward momentum to build teams and get results. She inspires others to look within themselves and to challenge the status quo. She helps create high-performing environments. Michelle brings a diverse background: operations, employee development, and sales in the steel, hospitality, and consulting industries. 

    Outside of work, you will see her competitive side engaged in her daughter’s sports and ISU athletics. She loves life, her four-legged companions, and captures all the moments through her camera’s lens. 


Michelle Hill : In this episode of The Leadership Hustle, we'll give you some techniques on how to create an environment that's more engaging for not only you, but your employees. Hello and welcome to The Leadership Hustle. For executives whose companies are growing fast and need leaders who are ready. Hi there, and welcome back to the next episode of The Leadership Hustle. I'm Andrea Fredrickson, I'm Michelle Hill, and we're here to discuss employee engagement. Everybody's favorite topic. Yay! But really, this is a true story. I'm working with a group of people, senior people in an organization. There's 16 people going through this course and it's been half. We're halfway through the class, and this guy in there simply said to me, I did not realize how much more engaged my my people are now that I'm, like, talking to them and asking them questions. And you just shared a story that people say. I've had people say, I didn't realize how disengaged I was with my leader.