Posts tagged burnout at work
Burnout At Work: What To Do About It

4 Minute Read

Imagine this all-too-familiar scenario. You work a full-time job, maybe even a little more. On top of just doing your job, you're managing a team of other people, also trying to get them to do their jobs. And maybe you’ve got kids at home, so not only are you working and managing people, you’re a full-time parent who has to cook, clean, do laundry, and attend soccer practices.

Even though you’re trying your best, you just feel like you're always struggling. Always tired. Always have something else you have to do. It’s getting harder for you to wake up in the morning; your workload is getting heavier, and your supervisor is requesting that you complete more projects in less time. It seems like you are constantly on the go, you have no time for yourself, and you don’t see an end in sight. You’re drowning in your own hectic life… We’ve all been there.

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