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Confrontation is certainly not the easiest part of being a manager. In fact, it’s probably your least favorite. It’s human nature to avoid interpersonal discord. Many people hope a problem just corrects itself without our intervention. But, is that manner of thinking really reality? How can you provide coaching for an employee, co-worker, or even your own supervisor and have it be a positive experience? We’ve all heard of “The Supervisor Sandwich.”
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Jack is really good at what he does. He shows up on time. Gets his work done. He helps his co-workers. He’s efficient – a good “do-er.” So you decide to promote Jack to a management position. Now, he’s struggling and not meeting your expectations. How many times have we seen this scenario?At first glance, we might think it was simply a poor choice to promote this person into management. After all, we know that doing technical work is far different than managing people doing technical work…right? Maybe…Or it may be the person in the management position has not made the behavioral and attitude shifts necessary to be successful.
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