Posts in Our Thoughts
Take a Break!

2 Minute Read

We’ve all felt it. The stress. The burnout. The feeling of being overworked. Sometimes in your job, you get to that point where you are exhausted and ready to pull your hair out. It’s almost absolute that we aren’t the only organization who is feeling the burnout. Maybe this isn’t your busy time, but you probably still know the feeling of being stressed, spread too thin, and being focused on too many projects. Yes, of course, we are happy to be busy, because that means business is good…but it can still take a toll on you.

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What the Heck?!

Let’s face it - on a daily basis, someone will do something you don’t like. Here's your moment of truth. Whether it’s cutting you off in traffic, not replying to an email within your timeframe, or not following a specific process…it will happen. And when it does, what’s your first thought?

I know…It depends. I hate that response, though it may be true. Let’s talk about when someone cuts you off in traffic. Do you yell at the person? Shake your fist? Or something more drastic? Do you ever think, “What the heck?! Learn how to drive!”Now let me ask you a different question: Have you ever cut someone off in traffic?

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