Posts in Change
Riding the Rapids of Change

5 Minute Read

Imagine a river winding through the wilderness. Its surface glints in the sunlight, but the current below is restless, unpredictable. Along the riverbank, the forest hums with life—birds chirp, leaves rustle, and the air smells of damp earth and fresh pine.

Standing at the edge of the water is a kayaker, paddle in hand, staring down the rapids ahead. The river churns, frothing white as it slams against rocks and spills over drops. The kayaker hesitates. They’ve heard about these waters—how they’ll push you, pull you, test your balance, and demand every ounce of focus.

It would be so much easier to stay here on the shore, where it’s safe and still. But they know the truth: the river doesn’t stop flowing. They can either stand frozen and watch as it rushes past, or they can take a deep breath, push off, and learn to navigate the current.

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Leadership Challenges: What We Can Learn from 9/11

4 Minute Read

For some, it may just be a terrible memory; but for one four-star general, the events of 9/11 (along with other military experiences) brought about leadership challenges that he never expected.

In his thought-provoking TedTalk, Stanley McChrystal details experiences in the military that taught him some very tough lessons. He reflects on the team he worked with and their combat stories. He openly shares their successes and the stories of their failures. McChrystal had to abandon his traditional sense of leadership and start listening, be willing to learn, and address the possibility of failure. One of the greatest leadership challenges out there is to build consensus between people and a sense of shared purpose. Even between remote teams, those with different values, and those of differing skill sets.

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When the Answers are Uncertain…

5 Minute Read.

We get it. Change is tough even in normal times. And change in the midst of chaos can push us over the edge. Leaving us feeling overwhelmed and stuck, unable to move forward. Do you ever wish you had a crystal ball so you could look into the future and know that everything will be okay? Sometimes what causes us the greatest stress is that the answers are uncertain; the unknown.

As a young child, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I needed glasses until I took a mandatory eye exam at my elementary school. My parents were notified and I was promptly taken to an eye doctor. And within a short period of time, I was wearing my new glasses. I remember the feeling of finally seeing things that I never knew existed. I remember how amazing it felt to see clearly. When things are uncertain, our lives feel unfocused, much like poor vision. We just feel better when we have clarity about what the future holds.

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Why Your Ping Pong Tables Aren't Working

5 Minute Read

Let’s get real about corporate culture.

You have no idea why your culture sucks. It just does. You bought the ping-pong tables. You started Happy Hour Fridays. You even do the obligatory birthday cakes for your employees. The problem is that none of this has made a difference; your organization still seems lackluster.

People just don’t click. They can’t communicate. Your turnover rates are on the rise; and the employees you do keep don’t seem like they want to be there. Getting people to work together, collaborate, and have a normal conversation is like pulling teeth. And those words you had so beautifully hung on the wall seem meaningless.

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Resilience: How People Are Different From Rubber Bands

4 Minute Read

Words like resiliency are often interchanged with words like flexibility or adaptability. When you think of what resiliency means, most of you probably go to something along the lines of “the ability to bounce back.” Things that are resilient return to their original shape after change, and keep their integrity.

Have you ever tinkered with a rubber band? You can snap it, and strum it, almost like a guitar string. And it always goes back to its original form. The definition of resilience related to a system, organization, or person, is the ability to maintain a core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances.

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The Results: Chatterkick X Revela Remote Work And Flexibility Survey

11 Minute Read

Remote Work And Flexibility Survey Blog was Written and Published by Chatterkick

Businesses are approaching the workplace differently, thanks COVID-19! We've literally had to change our mindset on the things that we've learned to utilize to get better as a business; technology, communication, operating systems, safe physical spaces, stable sales environments, and flexible work opportunities. Our approach to these topics are being as COVID-19 is forcing us to dig deep into our businesses. As Revela and Chatterkick collaborate on a series of the Generation Social Media Podcast episodes, we wanted to hear honest feedback on remote work and flexibility. We sent out a 5-minute survey on remote work and flexibility during COVID-19, and the results were fascinating.

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You Started Strong. Don't Let Up.

2 Minute Read

We’re all about six weeks into this pandemic. Some a little longer, some a little less. What uprooted and affected our entire world has now become what we consider normal…for now. In the beginning, when people started working virtually or rotating their shifts at work, we all tended to be more intentional about connecting with our teams. Having daily huddles, weekly (or more frequent) team meetings, happy hours, and individual check-ins. But now that some time has passed, are we really still being as intentional as we were before?

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It's A Time Of Opportunity For Your Business

2 Minute Read

For years, as we’ve guided leaders through the strategic planning process, we’ve challenged people to not just do more of the same, but to challenge assumptions of their business, their customers, and their beliefs on the way things are or should be. To find ways to try new approaches, or try doing the same things in a different way. Instead of waiting for their industry or business to be disrupted, they disrupt. Regardless of the circumstances, this is something that is very hard for most organizational leaders to do.

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4 Easy Ways to Develop Bench Strength

5 Minute Read

If you’re a business leader, it’s safe to believe that you understand the need for, and the benefits of, succession planning. So, for the purpose of this article, we won’t spend much time addressing them. What we will highlight, however, are a few ingredients that are necessary in order to develop bench strength for your key employees. In sports, the definition of bench strength is “the quality and number of players available to substitute during the game”. In business, there’s a bit more focus on the quality piece; but really, the concept is the same. The purpose is to have people ready to step into a different role when a leadership or key position becomes available or when a new role is needed.

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Succession Connection
Shake It Up...

During a recent conversation with the leaders of a company, we asked them to imagine that their department was not a part of the overall company, but a stand-alone business having to provide value to its customers and make money to continue. Then we asked the question, “How would you organize the company related to positions, roles, and responsibilities? And how would you measure effectiveness?” This is what we call disrupting the org chart.Some leaders had to be reminded that every minute someone is working costs money. They then considered how to measure productivity in service-related areas. They recognized that their employees tend to come to work and most are busy. But they’re not necessarily busy with things that are high-payoff or things that move the needle, related to value and time. They came in to do their job.

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Change: Let's Talk About It...

3 Minute Read

Embracing change...This is a sore subject for some, and for others, an exciting one. No one likes to talk about it for fear of how people will react. When it comes to change, there are two ways people tend to react. For some, it’s new and exciting. It creates motivation. But for others, it’s scary, it’s unknown, and can be the center of their frustration and despair.

Do you ever feel like people are constantly trying to mess up your routine? Or they’re always asking you to try something different? For those of you who do, you’re probably comfortable where you are. You might have the outlook of, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” You like the way things are, and you don’t want it to change. With change comes the possibility of failure and navigating through the unknown. You hear about a change, and a red flag goes up in your brain and says, “STOP!” So that’s what you do.

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